Doing My Part - with Cloth Bags for Greenville

Greenville, SC, United States
We (Kristin & Betsy) run together on occasion through the streets of Pebble Creek. During one of these runs we talked about cloth bag usage in Germany and that very few people in the US are using them. Kristin grew up in Germany and doesn't know any different than taking her cloth bags to the store when shopping. Betsy lived in Germany for a number of years with her family. With four girls between our two families we care about the footprint we leave behind. With a sense of urgency and an idea, we designed a cloth bag featuring the liberty bridge in Greenville.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

join our movement!

Kristin, Betsy, Christian and Lee want to invite you to their Greenville Movement! Use cloth bags instead of paper or plastic when you shop. These bags are everywhere-in Bi-Lo, Ingles,Publix, Earthfare....everywhere! Do you use them? We can reduce pollution in our fair city and be a beacon for the rest of the world. Send us your stories about using cloth bags! You can buy one from us which features the beautiful Reedy River for 6 bucks, or buy them somewhere else. But, buy them and use and re-use them today!! By the end of 2008, we want everyone in Greenville to use cloth bags!!


Betsy Tetsch said...

Knox White, the mayor of the City of Greenville, is excited about ou movement and wants to lend a hand to support our ideas! We met him at his office and then met with his Marketing and Environment folks to help build a campaign! Wow! We are also partering with Paris Elementary School and Habitat for Humanity to change people's behavior and get the cloth bag message out!!

lynn said...

Dear Kristin & Betsy -
First of all, thank you so much for doing this. I've just recently moved to Greenville & unfortunately realized I won't be here long however wanted to start a campaign to ban plastic bags from Greenville County. I've set up a meetup group that's meeting next Monday (one of whose members emailed me with a link to your blog) - would you be interested in attending? If so check out - the group is called 'Let's Put the 'GREEN' into Greenville. I'd love to hear how everything is going with your campaign before the group met, to see what we could do together! Take care. Best, Lynn

Elizabeth said...

Kristin and Betsy,
Thanks so much for starting this movement. It really does make a HUGE difference for our environment. I wanted to let you know that at Earth Fare, we encourage the use of cloth bags AND we give back to the community. Every time a customer uses a reusable bag instead of taking one of our paper or plastic bags, we donate 10 cents PER BAG to a non-profit organization in Greenville. So, here using a cloth bag is not only good a good "green" idea, but also great for our community! Please let me know if you would ever like to hold a meeting or a seminar. We have a Community Room here at the store that you are welcome to use. Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

What you’re doing is admirable.

Perhaps your task would become easier if you could get your cloth bags at even more economical prices. It’s possible by having us make them for you in India. I know that the idea of importing them sounds daunting but it actually is much easier than you think.

Write to me – rajiv at badlani dot come, and have a look at my website and we can work together to make it happen.

You might also enjoy reading my blog which focuses on the subject of the harm that plastic bags do, the great alternatives that are available, and the commercial benefits companies can derive from using reusable cloth bags.

And, here’s wishing you huge success!

My regards, Rajiv