Doing My Part - with Cloth Bags for Greenville

Greenville, SC, United States
We (Kristin & Betsy) run together on occasion through the streets of Pebble Creek. During one of these runs we talked about cloth bag usage in Germany and that very few people in the US are using them. Kristin grew up in Germany and doesn't know any different than taking her cloth bags to the store when shopping. Betsy lived in Germany for a number of years with her family. With four girls between our two families we care about the footprint we leave behind. With a sense of urgency and an idea, we designed a cloth bag featuring the liberty bridge in Greenville.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Buy a cloth bag and take it to the store!

see bottom of page for details about Greenville cloth bags available for sale.

Kristin, Betsy ,Christian and Lee want to invite you to their Greenville Movement! Use cloth bags instead of paper or plastic when you shop. These bags are everywhere-in Bi-Lo, Ingles,Publix, Earthfare....everywhere! Do you use them? We can reduce pollution in our fair city and be a beacon for the rest of the world. Send us your stories about using cloth bags! You can buy one from us which features the beautiful Reedy River for 6 bucks, or buy them somewhere else. But, buy them and use and re-use them today!! By the end of 2008, we want everyone in Greenville to use cloth bags!!